May Prayer Partnership Update

You're invited to partner with us in prayer! In the video above, Gwen Green, our Prayer Coordinator introduces our prayer partnership and how you can participate.

In 2021, WMUV began praying with our sisters in ministry in New York. In the same spirit, we would like to extend an invitation to prayer to women in Virginia, and we welcome anyone interested in praying more to participate. We believe prayer changes things - read below for ways to engage with us:

Prayer Partnership Facebook Group

Join our prayer partnership Facebook group to connect in community and learn more about the initiative:


Monthly Zoom Prayer Meetings

Join our zoom calls with Gwen and the Prayer Partnership team on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Our next zoom meeting is Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m.

Register for these meetings:


Weekly Phone Bridge Calls

Join our Executive Director/Treasurer in this prayer opportunity, which will consist of a scripture reading and a prayer leader each Wednesday morning from 6-6:15 a.m. beginning Wednesday, March 8. 

Dial-in number (605) 313-5771
Access code: 1246461#



Can't join us on zoom or by phone for prayer? Download our WMUV Prayer Guide with a daily prayer request and join us as we pray together each day for our ministries, communities, and world as a collective. Read the prayer requests below, or click below to download the prayer guide and a scripture printout.

1 Pray for missionaries who are learning new languages in sub-Saharan Africa 

2 Pray for presenters at the Africa Baptist Theological Education Network conference in June as they prepare topics related to the theme

3  Missionaries will be gathering together this year. Ask the Lord to give clarity to those who will be speaking, helping share what he has done for listeners to hear. Pray the Lord would use those who are leading this meeting to encourage and build up missionaries for His work and His purpose.

4 National Day of Prayer

Pray for leaders among the Tanosy and Tandroy peoples in Madagascar as they work together to care for their congregations and communities. Pray for new believers and a strong network of churches.

5 Our WMUV Board of Trustees meet at CrossRoads. Pray for them as they meet and make decisions!

6 Our WMUV Board of Trustees meeting concludes at CrossRoads. Pray for our trustees as they travel home and minister in their contexts. 

7 Dan River Baptist WMU host their annual meeting today. Pray for the work of the women in the Dan River Baptist Association.

Pray alongside missionaries of the week Roy and Vilmarie Vidal for more missionaries to help reach Villalba and other neighboring towns. 

8 Pray God would send workers to help Jean David Pierre-Louis, and pray there would be a spiritual revival in the church and in the province of Quebec.

9 Pray that Joshua and Elizabeth Boamah would be refreshed and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the sake of church planting.

10 Pray that churches and individuals will partner with Hyoseon Kim in British Columbia. 

11 Pray for lives to be changed in communities with those living with drug and alcohol abuse.

12 Pray for obedience and God's direction in managing the nonprofit His Hands and Feet Ministries of Calhoun County, Alabama.

13 Pray God's grace upon us at WMUV, and that we remain faithful to the Lord for His Mission

14 Pray for Lena Eckhart, IMB Missionary of the Week, as she continues to share the truth of God's Word with South Asian women. Pray Lena and the women who choose to follow Christ would persevere despite persecution.

Pray for mothers on this Mother’s Day, particularly mothers who have lost children, spiritual mothers who raised us in faith, and women who have been unable to have biological children or who are still desiring to be mothers.

15  Pray that teens that don't know Christ would trust in him. Pray that believers in their classes would grow in their faith and boldly share the gospel.

16 Our WMUV staff meets today in preparation for a busy summer and fall. Pray for them as they seek to plan.

Pray for the families in Timor, Indonesia- that Leste would remain steadfast in their faith and hunger and thirst for God's word. Pray believers around the world would lay hold of the abundance that belongs to those in Christ, seeking God in prayer.

17 Pray for the Deaf and hard of hearing community

18 Pray for the Facilities staff at CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center as they prepare for Volunteer Weekend at CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center. Pray that they will find rest before a busy camp summer.

19 It’s Crossroads volunteer weekend, where volunteers help prepare the camp property for summer. Pray for their safety and that they will experience God while in service at CrossRoads.

Pray today God would remind you of his greater heavenly work at play. Pray he would set your heart on things above and remind you He is at work in supernatural ways.

20 Pray Ephesians 1:17 

Crossroads Volunteer Weekend

21 Pray for the CrossRoads Volunteer Weekend participants as they return home, and for CrossRoads’ staff as they continue to prepare for summer.

Pray for Fred and Damaris Castro, IMB Missionaries of the week, and Redemption Church's work among the community as they continue to reach people with the gospel.

22   Pray in the spirit, such prayer will bring about supernatural results "because the Spirit Intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God"  Ephesians 6:18

23 Pray believers would be in God's word daily so they can recognize false teaching.

24 Practice adoring God in your prayers today.

Pray for our WMUV Peru Missions Team as they prepare for their travel in June.

25 Practice silence before the Lord. Allow his spirit to reveal sin you need to confess.

26 Pray Psalm 57:11

27 Pray for our Standing Rock Missions Team, Team Leaders, and WMUV leaders as they prepare to travel to the Dakotas in July.  

28 Pray for Cody Vest, IMB Missionary of the week. Pray for Cody as he helps chaplains prepare for their unique ministry assignments, specifically that God would help him provide wise counsel to these chaplains so they can be more effective in their roles.

29 This Memorial Day, pray for the families of those who have died in service of our country.

30 Pray God would help you persevere in your relationship with him.


June Prayer Partnership Update


April Prayer Partnership Update