Church WMU Directors
Church WMU Directors have their finger on the pulse of mission activity in the church and are WMUV’s best way to provide information to members in the local church.
Your cooperation in keeping contact information up-to-date helps us when we need to get information to you, and insures your mission leaders the latest information on mission education, mission opportunities, upcoming events, and CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center.
Church Missions Mailing List
Each year we ask that you submit a mailing list to us to provide us with accurate information about the missions leaders at your church. We use this information throughout the year to send information from the state office directly to these individual leaders. This same form also provides a place for you to request your offering supplies for the Alma Hunt, Lottie Moon, and Annie Armstrong Offerings. You may download the form, print it out, and mail it back to our office.
Annual Report of the Church Director to the Associational WMU Director
Click below for a printable copy of the Church Annual WMU Report which needs to be filled out by each church WMU Director and sent to your Associational WMU Director.
Associational WMU Directors
Associational WMU Directors are the backbone of WMUV’s work throughout the state. You are our first line in communication with the churches in your Association.
Associational Annual Reports & Mailing Lists
Annual Reports from Associational WMU Directors are due in the state office September 1. Please submit the report to help us as we compile membership numbers.
Each year we ask that you submit a mailing list to us to provide us with accurate information about the missions leaders for your Association. You may download the form and print the report out and mail it to us at WMU of Virginia, 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294 or fax it to us at 804-672-8008.