S~P~A: Missions & Racial Reconciliation


The year that George Floyd was murdered and racial tensions exponentially heightened in our country.  It was not enough that partisan politics separated us and that the COVID-19 pandemic crippled us.  Now we witnessed racial protests, vandalism and violence, mandating a call for justice and equality for all.

WMUV felt compelled to respond.  The Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia (WMUV) equips Christian women to engage the world in relevant ways.  So, S~P~A was born, calling women to Share, Pray, and Act, on mission for racial reconciliation.  Rooted in the core values of WMU:  S~P~A gathered women for fellowship, prayer and mission action.

For six weeks the original S~P~A group of 16 women - seven African Americans, one Hispanic and eight Anglos - met weekly via Zoom to explore racism and the hope-filled prospects of racial reconciliation.  They met to share personal stories, listen, dialogue, and pray.  Through open and honest communication, these women risked being vulnerable with one another as they reached for the common goal of ensuring God’s love for all people.

Exerpt from curriculum introduction written by Kathy Berry


S~P~A Racial Reconciliation Resources

Would you like to lead your small group or community through the S~P~A Curriculum?

Download the S~P~A Facilitator’s Guide (free) below.

Interested in engaging the work of S~P~A through a video curriculum?

Kathy Berry participated in the first of three S~P~A cohorts. Retired chaplain, author, and a specialist in ministering to those with dementia and their caregivers, she felt called to take the 6-week experience and produce a 4-week curriculum called S~P~A:. Missions and Racial Reconciliation. This curriculum is a catalyst to help Christ followers reflect and engage in crucial conversations related to race and our Christian witness. All proceeds benefit the mission and ministry of WMUV.

Engage in the work of Racial Reconciliation through personal devotion:

The original S~P~A cohort consisted of 17 women from various racial and socioeconomic backgrounds who remained committed for six weeks. Each participant has contributed to this devotional, giving careful thought to their topic. Our hope is that you may find consolation and guidance as you read. We also pray that God blesses you in your process of reflection, discovery, and work. Download the Devotional booklet in pdf form at no cost via the link below.


S~P~A Cohort Waiting List

Are you interested in participating in a SPA Cohort? To learn more, fill out the interest form below, and we will contact you. This is not a confirmation of your participation- we will contact you to share details and expectations of participation in the SPA group.


S~P~A Forums


We’ll be holding occasional SPA Racial Reconciliation Forums on Zoom. These Forums are open to anyone, and will be offered on Zoom. Subscribe to our ENews (below) for more information.