Ministry at Villa Milagro

Cajamarca, Peru

In June, a team from Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia traveled as the first one of a three-year commitment of WMUV to serve at Villa Milagro in Cajamarca, Peru. We had such a meaningful experience sharing with the children at the orphanage and three rural schools. We had a puppet show highlighting that Jesus is our friend. We sang songs and made friendship bracelets with them to remind them that Jesus is their friend. At each school, bags of food were given to the families of the children. A total of 152 bags of food were distributed. Each school also received several water filters provided by national WMU’s Pure Water Pure Love compassion ministry. One team member was overheard saying, “I wish we were here longer. There is so much left to do!” As we gave out New Testaments, a lady named Rosa, attempted to give it back saying that she was unable to read the small print. The team leader took off her reading glasses and placed them on Rosa so she could see (pictured below)! Rosa immediately looked down at the small print with a big smile. It’s the little things that we take for granted that can change a life. Not only theirs but ours too!

Lucianne Warren, WMUV President


September Prayer Calendar & Partnership Update


An Open Letter from the Executive Director/Treasurer of the WMU of Virginia