Advice from a Fishing Boat

I bring you greetings in this new year from WMUV!

As we continue through the COVID-19 pandemic, I had hopes as you may have had that we by now would have surpassed the continued need for strict precautions and the rise of variants and surges in illness would have slowed. But it seems we are forced to adjust to a new normal. This way of life has impacted daily life for billions of people around the world. People in our neighborhood, and around the world need hope now more than ever, hope in the one thing that HAS never and WILL never change – our HOPE in CHRIST. Our ability to maintain our hope is challenged.  However, the mandate for us to share Jesus remains the same. And Jesus promised as believers that he will help us. In  Mark 1:17 he promises,“Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men“                                         

I’ve been married to a wonderful man for 42 years and know few men who love to fish more than my husband. I have fished with him since before we were married but I do NOT share his passion for this sport. But I have learned a few things in that boat with him through the years. Fishing and sharing the good news have a lot in common.


First: they both require patience and persistence.

Keep in mind that fish don’t want to be caught. That is, most people will be reluctant at first. Your job isn’t to catch fish but to go fishing. Catching people is the work of God. You are simply the tool He uses.

Second: Use the right equipment.

You don’t fish for bream with a big hook or fish for sharks with a little hook. Successful fishing is all about having the right equipment. First, you need the right bait — the message of Jesus. In a world of sinful people, the messages of forgiveness and eternal life are the most attractive truths you can use. Second, you need the right hook — the conviction of the Holy Spirit. You can share the gospel, but only the Spirit can convict and change lives. Third, you need the right kind of reel — the will of God the Father. When a person is hooked, God reels them in. So, step back and let Him do His work.

Third: Go where the fish are.

You won’t catch fish unless you leave your pew or house. Be proactive and search for lost friends, family and neighbors just like Jesus did.

Fourth: Learn to think like a fish.

You don’t have to jump into the water and become a fish to catch fish, but you need to evaluate the “water conditions.” Develop relationships with the lost, spend time with them and discover how they think so you can develop a game plan.                                                                          

Fifth: Use a variety of strategies.

Professional fishermen always bring at least 50 lures to tournaments. When fishing for people, remember that no two people are alike. There is no single approach to sharing Christ and his love. Different people need different approaches.                                                                                                                 

Sixth: You can go fishing without catching fish, but you can’t catch fish without going fishing.

When you stand before God, He won’t ask how many fish you caught. He will ask how many times you went fishing for people. As we start this new year, I hope you will resolve to do more fishing as we labor together for God.

-Lucianne Warren, WMUV President


Thanks, Volunteers!


Setting Our Sails: A New Year’s Greeting from our Executive Director/Treasurer