A Miracle Village

Villa Milagro, the Miracle Village in Cajamarca, Peru is a ministry that is providing food, vitamins, protein rich bread to school children and the good news of the gospel to villagers in Andes mountains. WMUV is in partnership with Villa Milagro with a focus on feeding families, distributing water filters provided through Pure Water Pure Love, hosting day camps for children and sharing the gospel.

Lucianne Warren, WMUV President is the visionary and leader of this partnership. In the summer of 2023, as we were having our final debriefing time onsite, Lucianne discussed with our team what to do with the remaining team funds. Our host, Nancy Urteaga shared with the team about the many human needs. Nancy told us about  a little boy who could not walk.  His family was unable to have him evaluated to determine the problem because they could not afford to take him to a doctor. Although presented with other options in which to use the remining funds, the team decided to purchase food for families that Nancy would eventually meet and to use the funds to have a medical evaluation of the boy.

Just last week, Nancy contacted Lucianne with a testimony of victory for the boy! He had received the necessary medical care and a walker was purchased to aid in his mobility.




Executive Director/Treasurer Valerie Carter Smith Announces 2025 Retirement